Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The Dreaded "Freshman 15" - by Lidia

The first thing people tell us when we are about to start college is, “beware of the freshman 15”.  We all know that our schedules are very demanding and it gets difficult to maintain healthy eating habits as well as exercise throughout the day.  With our busy schedules it is easy for us to grab any snack and in some cases these snacks may not be the healthiest.  In my experience, when I finally arrive home it’s time to unleash my hunger and I eat whatever is fastest and easiest to cook.   Throughout the years I have established a good routine that helps me keep my hunger on the low until I have time to eat a real meal.  Here I have provided some tips to help you as well.

1.   Don’t skip breakfast!  Although I am guilty of this sometimes, I know I have a better day when I have a good breakfast meal.  It may be difficult to find an appetite in the morning but a fruit smoothie is a good option and is also easy for on the go.

2.   Stock up on healthy snacks. Fresh fruit, granola bars, trail mix, etc. are all healthy snacks and are super easy to pack.  This will minimize your hunger and prevent binge eating when you arrive home.  Here’s a link to healthy snack ideas.

3.    Stay in shape with a friend.  Working out is always more fun with a friend and also give you more motivation.

4.     Get the best night sleep that you can.  Sometimes it is challenging to get a good night’s sleep because of school work but it is important that you do so.  This can prevent you from taking surgery drinks to stay away and will prevent you from drinking extra calories.

5.   Everything in moderation! There is no need for deprivation. It’s better to have a little of everything to feed your cravings.


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