Most people are familiar with the saying, “Those who can’t do,
teach.” Or as the famous Woody Allen once wrote; “Those who can’t do, teach.
And those who can’t teach, teach gym”. This statement suggests that people who
have failed or would be failures in the world outside of academia end up as
teachers. This same statement is enough to make any future, current or retired
teacher’s blood boil.
It is unclear to me where the origin of this saying has come
from, but I did find some interesting facts that may have led to the
discrediting of teachers over time.
In the Middle Ages, knowledge was viewed as God’s gift. Since it
was God’s gift, it was seen as wrong to charge for it. Due to this view,
teachers at many institutions were not paid at all for their work. They had to
rely on the gifts and charity of appreciative students. Sometimes, a teacher
was lucky to receive an apple so he’d have something to eat. As a result, it
became difficult to develop a mindset that this profession was pursued by
people of high capability if the services they were offering were free of
I personally do not see the logic behind this statement.
Teaching takes more than a bachelor’s degree, it takes the ability to implement
an immense and broad amount of information and communicate it to a diverse
group of young students. Teachers are the first step towards an occupation,
towards any occupation that is deemed “superior” to that of an educator. One
must (typically) complete both primary and secondary education before they can
even continue on to the collegiate level, where they begin to mold their career
path. And who guides them through all of these levels of schooling, through all
of these confusing, information-loaded, hormone-driven years? Educators.
I recently asked a cooperating teacher I have been volunteering
with her view on the matter. I asked her what her reaction would be to someone
who truly believed “Those who can’t do, teach”. Her reply was simple and
straightforward; “work one day in my classroom”. She works in a high school
moderate/severe special education class, so some of the scenarios she deals
with are on the extreme, but the message is still the same. Those who think
handling a classroom of 25-30 children for 6 hours a day 5 days a week
addressing the academic, social, and emotional needs of a highly diverse
population should spend one day in our shoes. Teachers pursue their career
because we are passionate about what we do, and we want to do it right. But
doing it right also means doing it legally, and we must accommodate and please
the never ending state and federal demands that are placed on education, mainly
through the form of tests. So if you think you can easily motivate a child to
take a lengthy test when they don’t see the point, nonetheless want to be in
your classroom, please, be my guest.
-Lisa Schill
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