Finances as a college student are
never an easy task. Whether we are dependent on ourselves or if we rely on our
parents for assistance, managing your money is a very important key to your
academic success. Why you may ask, what does money have to do with my
academics? It’s quite simple! You see the more you worry about your financial
woes the less time you worry about assignments or school in general. Many of us
have had the issue of deciding whether something is a “want” or a “need” and
truly you shouldn't have to give up everything you would like. You just need to
make a budget for yourself at the beginning of the semester or at the beginning
of every month, depending how much money you have allotted for each of you
Tracking all of your expenses isn't all that hard in today’s world; there are many apps and websites to help you
with this task! I, personally, like the old school method of sitting down
at a table with all of my bills and with a bank statement that tell me how much
money I have, but lets face it, I’m not very technologically savvy. Tracking
tools such as,, or
or even your bank's website can help you determine how much you will
spend on entertainment or recreational shopping.
Your finances don’t only
affect your emotions and stress levels but they can also affect your credit
which will harm you in the long run. I know many of us aren't thinking of
owning homes just yet, but having a bad credit score can follow you for a long
time, one faulty payment can cause damage that is a difficult task to repair. By keeping your finances in order you will
minimize any worries of financial burdens you may have which will allow you to
spend more time studying and on your academic assignments and, it will save your
credit from being damaged which will allow you to buy your dream home in the
future. So don’t forget to make that budget, keep track of your spending, and
make those payments on time!
By Wendy Vega